
This is a list of games that are part of the Toparo Project as well as other games created under TALENA, both released and unreleased. Games that are released in some capacity will have their own page, just click on the name of the game to go to it. Game pages are also where the downloads are found.

Toparo ~ the Forgotten Rotting Technology

(Screenshot soon!)

Platform: Windows

Genre: Bullet Hell/Vertical Shooter

Cost: Free

Latest Version: In Development

This game is in development, please wait patiently until more information is revealed! There is likely a good amount of small information revealed on Impeli's Twitter, Impeli's Bluesky or the blog, so check those until a release.


Platform: Windows

Genre: Maze Game

Cost: N/A

Latest Version: Unreleased

An unreleased game that only ever existed for the purpose of allowing Impeli to practise programming a short yet complete video game. Unlike most other game creations by TALENA, this game is not a vertical shooter or bullet hell; Instead it is an arcade styled maze game.

The goal of each stage is to collect all small food items in the maze while avoiding the three fairy maids that chase Torte, the player character. As the game progresses, Torte and the fairies will travel through four distinct mazes and complete the game (ie: see the last cutscene) at stage 40. Beyond this stage, the game will loop and each stage's timer will get progressively shorter. Should the timer run out, the head maid will descend upon the maze and chase Torte at a pace significantly faster than the fairy maids.

The game is notable for existing within the Toparo Project canon, despite its unreleased nature, perhaps one day its events and characters will see the light of day…


Platform: Windows

Genre: Bullet Hell/Vertical Shooter/Puzzle

Cost: N/A

Latest Version: Unreleased

An unreleased and heavily unfinished game that only ever existed for the purpose of allowing Impeli to practise programming a short yet complete video game. While this game *is* a vertical shooter bullet hell, it plays quite differently to the Touhou-esque gameplay of TALENA’s other shmups.

The game is split across 125 one screen stages, where the player ship is stuck at the bottom of the screen, only able to move left and right. Each stage is completed once all the enemies are defeated. Stages feature more than just enemies, there are usually walls and other interactable elements such as bumpers that reflect player shots and switches that open all doors of the corresponding colour and close the rest. The game features a power up system almost identical to Gradius (with all the baggage that comes along with it). Every 25th stage is instead a boss where the gameplay returns to something more similar to what would be expected.

While the game *was* intended to be a part of the Toparo Project, its plot and world no longer match the world that Toparo has evolved into since its creation; although, many elements have already made their way into Toparo as it is now.

Toparo ~ the Brilliant Shining Light (Proof of Concept Demo)

Platform: Windows

Genre: Bullet Hell/Vertical Shooter

Cost: N/A

Latest Version: Unreleased

This was the first video game production by TALENA which wasn’t a short lived experiment or small bit of fun. This was more or less a proof of concept to prove the fact that Impeli could create a game entirely alone.

The way that the first Toparo Project game has changed in scope and evolved would take a long time to list, even just the most prevalent eras of development; even into the development of Toparo ~ the Forgotten Rotting Technology, the scope and plan continued to change drastically. This build started development just at the point when the game was just supposed to be three stages along with a TLB (True Last Boss) that acted like a fourth stage. The game is showcased in this video where the description sheds more light onto the state of this build, as well as the Toparo Project as a whole at the time of upload.

Fun fact: At this point, the game was just called Toparo ~ Brilliant Shining Light, the “the” was added only a few days after Impeli's first (surviving) tweet. Also, while a title screen was never implemented, the image shown above was a mock-up made during this era.